Flores de la sierra mágica de Puebla
Roses with exportation quality
We have more than 15 varieties
To decorate your special moment
We have high quality standards
Strict cultivation and postharvest procedures
Cover with special production, important dates in Mexico and USA. Maintaining the same quality as the rest of the year.
Have the packaging and shipping options that each client requests in a special way.
Always be on time in flower deliveries, in conditions requested by the client.
In FSMP the consolidation at national and international level of each one of our products, as well as our brand, with innovations in the cultivation and processing of roses. It is vitally important to be able to generate a real difference in each of our stems.
Our objectives
Grow roses that meet international standards, in North America and Europe. Always having the task of fulfilling each of our clients in a timely manner.
Domestic market
To be able to offer our national clients quality roses in quality in each of its varieties, that fit your needs, having Immediate availability of our products for your convenience.
Provide permanent employment, with decent wages and opportunities for growth for men and women alike, regardless of the difference of creed, uses or customs and respecting the ideologies of each one
Conserve and promote policies for recycling materials and creating composts.
One of the short-term goals is to double our installed capacity with the same production processes and quality standards. In the medium and long term it is sustained growth so that we can cover more clients not only national, but also international, covering the needs that the market is marking, increasing the variety of roses.
Benefit more communities by instilling the culture of producing quality roses export.